Student Government

Student Government Elections

Elections will be held on September 18 for all 7-12th grade class officer positions and ASB (Associated Student Body) positions.

General Descriptions and Duties

ASB Council 

The ASB Council consists of ASB officers and class officers. The Council conducts student government meetings, plan activities for the student body, assist in fundraising activities, build school morale and perform a number of other services for the betterment of the school as a whole. 

The ASB Officers are to be elected by the SBA student body and each individual class will elect their class officers. The election of officers will take place during the 4th quarter. If an office becomes vacant during the school year, the ASB president will appoint a replacement upon administration and ASB moderator approval. 

ASB and Class Officers  include: 

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary/ Treasurer
  • Crusader Representative (ASB)

The ASB Council holds all formal student government meetings using Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure. Students vote to decide on the issues discussed during meetings. At each formal meeting the following must occur: 

  • Opening Prayer and Flag Salute (ASB Crusader)
  • Roll Call
  • Reading of Minutes from previous meeting (ASB secretary)
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Officer reports (class presidents)
  • Discussion of old and new business

The ASB Council is responsible for the following activities: 

  • Monitoring the use of individual class and ASB funds.
  • Promotion of academic excellence.
  • Promotion of the Catholic faith.
  • Promoting school spirit.
  • Developing community service activities.
  • Serving as a liaison between the student body, faculty and various community organizations.
  • Planning dances, rallies, campus cleanup, campaigns and a various other activities.
  • Coordination with the SB Knights student government.
  • Ambassadors assisting with open houses, orientations, etc.

ASB and Class Officer Duties

Officers are elected by their peers in the 4th quarter (with the exception of freshmen and Commissioners).  The voting is organized and monitored by the ASB moderator and election commissioner.  ASB officers must maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA and class officers must maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA.  

Duties for all officers:

  • Attend all scheduled meetings and events sponsored by their class or ASB. Any officer missing more than two student government meetings may be removed from office.
  • Contribute to the planning, organization and execution of class activities that promote school and class pride. 
  • Chair a minimum of one fundraiser activity.
  • Dedicate time and effort needed to successfully host their classes/ASB events.
  • Notify the ASB moderator and class/ASB president if they are unable to fulfill their duties.

President Duties:

  • Serve as the official spokesman of their class or ASB council which includes but not limited to preparing reports for student government meetings, SBA board meetings, officiate over student government meetings (ASB President) or class meetings (class president).
  • Appoint additional officers and commissioners as needed.
  • Work with other officers to plan activities in compliance with the ASB Council’s guidelines.

Vice President Duties:

  • Fulfill the same duties outlined for the president while bearing in mind that the president possesses the executive authority
  • Temporarily fill any vacancy left by the president in his or her absence.

Secretary/ Treasurer  Duties:

  • Maintain communication with their peers through bulletin announcements, newsletters, class meetings, and school publications (newspaper, yearbook).
  • Records minutes at all meetings.
  • Maintain all financial records for class/ASB.
  • Report financials during class/ASB meetings.

Crusader Representative Duties:

  • Open all meetings with prayer.
  • Set an example of Crusader Pride.
  • Document class/ASB history in connection with yearbook and newspaper. 
  • Plan and initiate community service activities. 
  • Work with campus ministry in faith development through Masses, prayer services, and community service activities.