Parent Volunteer Information

At St. Bernard’s Academy, we have truly been blessed with the enormous support our families show through their time and effort. Volunteerism is a vital part of the success of our school. Each family is required to volunteer 30 hours (single parent families 15 hours) each year. Families will have the option of a “buy-out” ($600) if they are unable to volunteer.  Any hours under the 30 hour requirement will be billed at $20.00 per hour.

The volunteer opportunities are:

  • Grounds Clean-Up Days — Someone is needed to schedule and organize clean-up days around the school by sending out information to parents and signing up volunteers. We also need volunteers to help with yardwork, paint, repairs and perform general maintenance on the campus. 
  • Crusader Athletic Board — (CAB) Volunteers are needed to sign up for CAB and help at all home games in the snack bar, or in the ticket sales booth.
  • Cash Bash Tickets — Each St. Bernard’s family is required to purchase or sell at least one Cash Bash ticket.
  • Cash Bash Volunteering — Cash Bash is a major fundraising event in the spring and is vital to the financial well-being of the school. Your participation in Cash Bash, could be decorating, volunteering or helping out with the planning process. 
  • Classroom/Fieldtrip Volunteers — Certain teachers may request assistance in their classroom, or drivers for fieldtrips. In order to volunteer in the classroom or to drive students there are certain guidelines that must be met. Please refer to volunteer application on our website for those requirements.
  • Other Fundraisers — St. Bernard’s holds many other small fundraisers throughout the year. These events requrire lots of help. 
  • Transportation — Help transport our athletic teams to games, our students on field trips, and our international students on adventures! 
  • Adopt an International Student — Hang out with one or more of our international students. Take them to dinner, take them hiking, or go on a fun tour! Show our international students what fun is out here in Humboldt County! 

Parent Volunteer Hours Form

Please fill out this form when you have completed volunteer hours. From this list, we will keep track of your hours and bill accordingly at the end of the year.